Commercial public tender for the lease of non-residential premises no. 3/2024
Commercial public tender for the lease of non-residential premises no. 3/2024 priestorov č. 3/2024
Trenčín Museum in Trenčín
Mierové námestie 46, 912 50 Trenčín,
Represented by Director Mgr. Peter Martinisko
(ďalej len „(hereinafter referred to as "Announcer")“)
announces a public commercial tender for the lease of non-residential premises in the Draškovič Manor House, cadastral area Čachtice, land plot number 2697, in accordance with § 281 et seq. of the Commercial Code, § 9a section 9 of Act number 446/2001 of the Collection of Laws on of Higher Territorial Units as amended Act no. 116/1990 of the Collection of Laws on the lease and sublease of non-residential premises as amended and article 20 and following of the Principles of Management of the Property of the Trenčín Self-Governing Region from March 2023. The non-residential spaces are marked on the floor plan of the building, which is included as Annex no. 1.
- The subject of the public commercial tender is:
The lease of non-residential space on the ground floor of the Draškovič Manor House building on Malinovského Street no. 245 in the town of Čachtice, plot no. 2697, building no. 245, registered in the property register no. 2216. The total area of the non-residential space is 121.35 square meters.
The non-residential spaces are marked on the floor plan of the building, which is included as Annex no. 1.
- Contact Person of the Announcer:
Name: Samuel Rybnikár – Head of Department at Podjavorinské Museum
Tel. number: 0901 918 828
- Lease Duration
The lease agreement will be concluded for a fixed term of 5 years from the effective date. The lease agreement may also be terminated by either party with a 2-month notice period. The announcer reserves the right to cancel the tender and not conclude the contract, even without stating a reason.
- Purpose of the Lease
The purpose of the lease is to provide refreshment services.
- Modification and Equipment of the Subject of the Lease
The lessee shall arrange the modification and furnishing of the leased property at their own expense, except for the equipment of the leased property listed in Annex no. 2. The modification of the leased property must be reversible. No discount on rent will be granted to the lessee for the modification or furnishing of the leased property.
- Informative Rental Amount Determined on basis of the Principles of Property Management of the Trenčín Self-Governing Region from March 2023:
The minimum monthly rent is €8.18 per 1 square meter per month. The rent does not include costs for electricity, water, waste disposal, heating, and the proportional part of the property tax.2 mesačne. V nájomnom nie sú započítané náklady za elektrickú energiu, vodu, odvoz odpadu, vykurovanie a alikvotná čiastka dane z nehnuteľnosti.
Conditions of the Public Commercial Tender
The tender proposal must be prepared in the Slovak language, submitted in three copies and signed by the tender participant.
The tender proposal must include:
- Identification details of the tender announcer.
- Identification details of the tender participant (name, address, company ID, email).
- Subject of the commercial tender.
- Purpose of the subject of the lease.
- Proposed rent amount for the lease of the non-residential space per 1 square meter a month.
- A photocopy of the business license.
- In the proposal the participant must express consent to the processing of personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act for the purposes of the tender.
- A declaration by the participant that they are fully familiar with the content of the lease agreement proposal, which is Annex no. 3 to this tender, and that if the participant wins the tender, they will sign it in the presented form (the only possible modification of the agreement will be regarding the specification of the contracting party – the tenant).
Each participant may submit only one proposal. The submitted proposal cannot be changed or supplemented, nor modified after the deadline for submitting tender proposals.
The building is listed in the Central Register of Monuments, maintained by the Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic under no. 1202/1 as a national cultural monument. The tenant is aware of this legal status, therefore any actions subject to approval by the Regional Monuments Board in Trenčín must be borne and arranged by the tenant.
It is possible to inspect the leased property in the presence of the contact person of the announcer on a date agreed upon with this contact person.
In the case of playing recorded music, the tenant is obliged to ensure compliance with copyright or the rights of performing artists.
The tender proposal must be sent by post to the correspondence address of the announcer: Trenčianske Museum in Trenčín, Jilemnického 532/2, 911 01 Trenčín, with the participant's name and postal address indicated, marked with stated subject:Obchodná verejná súťaž na prenájom nebytových priestorov Draškovičov kaštieľ – Neotvárať tak, aby ponuka bola zaevidovaná v podateľni vyhlasovateľa do 19.04.2024 do 10:00 hod. V prípade doručenia návrhu sa považuje deň doručenia poštovej zásielky vyhlasovateľovi.
“Obchodná verejná súťaž na prenájom nebytových priestorov Draškovičov kaštieľ – Neotvárať” [“Public Commercial Tender for the Lease of Non-Residential Spaces Draškovič Manor House – Do Not Open” – ed. note] so that the offer is recorded in the announcer's registry by April 19, 2024, 10:00 AM. In the case of delivery by mail, the date of delivery to the announcer is considered the day the mail is received.
The envelopes with the tender proposals will be opened, and the tender proposals will be evaluated on April 22, 2024. The opening of the envelopes is not public. Tender proposals that meet the tender conditions will then be included in an electronic auction. Notification of the start of the auction will be sent to the participants by email, along with details on how to participate in the electronic auction. If only one tender proposal is submitted by an interested party, the electronic auction will not be held, and the lease agreement will be concluded with the sole proposer.
Envelopes with proposals will be opened on April 22, 2024 and the proposals will be evaluated on the same day. The opening of the envelopes is not public. Proposals that meet the tender conditions will be included in the electronic auction. The announcement of the start of the auction will be sent to the applicants by e-mail, including the details of participation in the electronic auction. In the event that only one bidder submits a proposal, the electronic auction will not be conducted and the lease agreement will be concluded with the single bidder.
The announcer of the tender reserves the right to reject proposals whose content does not meet the conditions of the tender, or those which are delivered after the deadline set in the tender announcement.
The announcer reserves the right to cancel this public tender at any time before the proposal is accepted and the contract for the lease of non-residential space is signed. Contest participants who submitted proposals will be notified in writing about the tender cancellation. Tender cancellation will be published on the announcer’s website. The participant acknowledges that if there are multiple participants in the tender who meet the conditions of this tender, the highest proposed rent will be considered as the starting rent in the final phase of selecting the winner of the tender.
The detailed conditions for the operation of the café are set out in the lease agreement proposal, which is Annex no. 3 to this tender.
Kritériá pre posudzovanie súťažných návrhov
Kritériom pre posudzovanie súťažných návrhov je najvyššie ponúknuté nájomné za nájom nebytového priestoru.
Criteria for Evaluating Tender Proposals
Tender Announcement: March 27, 2024
Deadline for Submission of Tender Documents: April 19, 2024
Opening of Envelopes: April 22, 2024
In Trenčín, on March 27, 2024
Prepared by: Mgr. Kristína Danková, PhD.
Approved by: Mgr. Peter Martinisko
The downloadable document includes:
Annex no. 1 – Floor plan of the leased property with the marked subject of the tender (non-residential spaces)
Annex no. 2 – Equipment of the leased property
Annex no. 3 – Lease Agreement Proposal no. ../2024
