The Manor House of

Discover the beauty of the reconstructed Manor House of Draškovič in Čachtice.

Discover our

Read the interesting story of the Manor House of Draškovič with history dating back to the 17th century.

Ikona Draškovičov kaštieľ

Get to know the project of the reconstruction
of the Manor House of Draškovič

  • Project title

    Revitalization of the Manor House of Draškovič
    in Čachtice

  • Project grant

    1 184 961 €

  • Co-financing of The Self-Governing Region of Trenčín

    374 197 €

  • Planned date of the project completion

    April 30, 2024

Ikonka zaujímavosti

Interesting facts about the
Manor House of Draškovič

Establishment of the Manor House

According to the inventories from 1692 and 1711, Nikola Draškovič built the residence from the ground up as a new building in 1677. By marrying the Countess Barbora Drugeth, the granddaughter of Elizabeth Báthory, Nikola inherited shares of the manor.

Purchase of the Manor House by the Forgách family

The shares disposed of by Teresa Keglevich were bought up by, among other nobles, Count Paul Forgách, Sr., who inherited part of the Drugeth estate from his mother and Zigmund Drugeth’s sister, Countess Krisztina Drugeth. In 1710, Forgách eventually also acquired the Draškovič share of the manor with the manor house from Keglevich, in exchange for the Forgách shares in Drugeth assets in Zemplín and Uh County.

The Manor House as a dosshouse

In the 19th and early 20th century, the manor house served as a dosshouse for poor population, which had fatal effects on its condition. Under the former regime, the building underwent major reconstruction.

História ikonka

of the Manor House of Draškovič

Aktuality ikonka

of the Manor House of Draškovič

9th March, 2025

Vianočné tvorivé dielne 2.0

Vianočné tvorivé dielne 2.0 Aj dnes nás navštívili žiaci zo ZŠ Čachtice. Tentokrát nám pomáhali vyrobiť papierový Betlehem. Najobľúbenejšie boli makety ovečiek. Máme tu zastúpenie klasických oviec, následne ovečky z plemena cukrová vata, ale aj rádioaktívne zelené. Milka kravička sa v našom stáde síce nenachádza avšak štandardná stračena a hnedula či somárik si svoje miesto […]

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Vianočné tvorivé dielne 2.0
9th March, 2025

Vianočné tvorivé dielne pod vedením našej novej múzejnej pedagogičky

Vianočné tvorivé dielne pod vedením našej novej múzejnej pedagogičky Aj dnes nás navštívili žiaci zo ZŠ Čachtice. Tentokrát nám pomáhali vyrobiť papierový Betlehem. Najobľúbenejšie boli makety ovečiek. Máme tu zastúpenie klasických oviec, následne ovečky z plemena cukrová vata, ale aj rádioaktívne zelené. Milka kravička sa v našom stáde síce nenachádza avšak štandardná stračena a hnedula […]

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Vianočné tvorivé dielne pod vedením našej novej múzejnej pedagogičky